A partir de hoje estarei toda semana atualizando o blog com videos/tab . Sou um amante do rock e da guitarra, sempre nas bandas em que toquei tirei as músicas de ouvido e agora resolvi compartilhar essa minha arte com a galera . Espero que acompanhem meu trabalho, ficarei feliz que opinem, enviem sugestões de cover, críticas, entre outras coisas. Quem puder dá aquela força fazendo uma divulga e compartilhando, o cowboy caveira agradece. Ótima sexta a todos e muito rock \m/
Good evening everyone. From now on I will be weekly updating the blog with videos I am a rock fan and of guitars, in every band that I have played , I have always played songs by listing to it and now I have decided to share my art to you folks. Hope you guys follow my work, I will be glad if you give your opinion of it, send me suggestions of cover, complains , and so forth. Does whom are able to share and spread it the "Cowboy Skull" is thankful. A great friday for everyone and lots o rock \m/
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